What are the objectives of HUPEDCARE Project?

The African and Latin American institutions of the HUPEDCARE project are committed to investing in technology and innovation to increase their skills in the field of humanization in pediatric pain care. To achieve these advances, DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION is a fundamental priority with strategic importance (both for the EU and for the third countries participating in this project) to which it is necessary to unite the creativity and modernization of Higher Education in order to take advantage of the benefits and opportunities offered by digital technologies to improve the capacities of teachers and professionals in the Health field described above. Specifically, the fundamental objective of this proposal is:

To identify and implement transformative actions in information and communication technologies in institutions in Africa and Latin America that enable integration, capacity building, academic cooperation of higher education institutions and the transmission of knowledge to society in relation to humanization in pediatric pain care.

After a thorough analysis, the partners from Africa and Latin America who participate in this project have agreed to detect a series of common deficiencies in the field of children's health:

  • Lack of awareness of the existence of paediatric pain.
  • Poor knowledge of the pathophysiological mechanisms of pain.
  • Lack of training in the field of paediatric pain (acute and chronic; with pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment).
  • Non-use of pain measurement scales.
  • Difficulty in accessing health services, in favour of the use of traditional medicines from each area (shamanism, herbs, concoctions...).
  • Difficulty in training health personnel in this field and lack of awareness on the subject.
  • Lack of action protocols for paediatric pain.

All these deficiencies are intended to be addressed by designing appropriate technological resources that allow for learning guided by experts in the field, thus promoting the generation of knowledge in the field of paediatric pain for its subsequent application and dissemination in their areas of influence. This important digital transformation that is intended to be addressed in the field of Higher Education in institutions in Africa and Latin America will be supported by the achievement of the following specific objectives:

This objective will be verified with the development and installation of a learning platform with innovative tools adapted to the specific field of pediatric pain on which the rest of the actions to be carried out in this project will be based.

To achieve this, African and Latin American teachers will receive training in the scope of the project through 3 training modules carried out in both European and non-European universities.

This objective will be verified by the implementation of 7 technological centres called PedTECH in African and Latin American institutions, where the aim is to obtain the maximum benefit from the activities planned in this project.

This objective will be verified by the creation in the platform's repository of a significant and growing amount (+10% annually) of applied knowledge in the field of the project.

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