Project beneficiary partner
Cape Verde
The Jean Piaget University of Cabo Verde (UniPiaget) is a higher education establishment, created by the Piaget Institute, which welcomes around 1500 students allocated to 17 of the 26 approved courses, including nine master's courses and a doctorate in development and global sustainability. The number of teachers is around 250, divided into different hiring systems and academic degrees.
UniPiaget occupies a prominent place in the panorama of higher education in Cabo Verde. Indeed, in addition to being the first University in and in Cabo Verde, it has been carrying out meritorious work in favor of higher education in the country and is now considered by civil society and institutions as a reference and level institution in the training of students. young people and the enhancement of human resources in Cabo Verde.
As a mission, it aims to develop quality education that promotes and contributes to the human and sustainable development of Cape-Verdean society, promotes research, teaching innovation and extension, transforming the university into a campus of regional and international attraction, based on Atlantic location and cultural diversity that characterize the country.
At an organizational level, UniPiaget is divided into four teaching and research units: UCEJP - Economics, Legal and Political Sciences Unit, UCETE - Exact Sciences, Technologies and Engineering Unit, UCHSA - Human, Social and Arts Sciences Unit and Natural Sciences Unit , Life and the Environment - UCNVA. With internationalization as a strategy, in 2014 the Center for Research, Institutional Relations and Advanced Training (CIRIFA) was created, whose mission is to promote institutional cooperation and the internationalization of academia; scientific production and dissemination; advanced training and scientific, academic and cultural exchange.
In 2022 alone, within the framework of institutional cooperation, 22 national and international protocols were signed.
In terms of research, in 2022 alone, nine international and two national projects were approved or developed in various fields such as vector-borne diseases and vector control, sustainable tourism, language development, new natural drugs for malaria and the innovation in molecular laboratory technology. Within the scope of scientific dissemination, in 2022 UniPiaget first scientific research symposium was held, published in the Symposium Annals and a new call to publish in its Scientific Journal CONTACTO.
Within the scope of mobilities, ERASMUS and those assigned to other exchange programs, in 2022 they were carried out with eight universities, research institutes and companies, reaching both undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as professors, researchers and administrative staff of the University.
In addition to CIRIFA, the university has several research centers: CIS - Innovation and Sustainability Center, LAPE - UCHSA Research and Extension Laboratory, NAI - Accessibility and Inclusion Center, NEMDH - Study Center on Migration and Human Rights. Of note is the Research Group on Tropical Diseases - GIDTPiaget, already consolidated and recognized nationally and internationally, with more than a decade of staff training and a score of publications in international journals.
Another asset of UniPiaget for a decade now is distance learning, being a pioneer in this matter with the creation of the Distance Education Laboratory that supports all courses, especially postgraduate courses, which are practically carried out in their entirety. in e-learning format. For internal and external dissemination, the University has the Communication and Image Office, which has radio and television studies.