Project beneficiary partner
Francisco de Vitoria University was founded in 1993 with 378 students and four degrees. These students witnessed the first steps of a university that from the beginning wanted to put the person at the centre and whose objective is to train professionals who seek to transform their own lives and the society in which they live, work and serve others.
Today, almost 30 years later, the UFV has two university locations in Madrid: the campus and the headquarters of the School of Engineers at the MSI. And it offers more than 50 degrees and double degrees, higher-level training cycles, a postgraduate school, doctorates, and various research centres. In addition, it is part of an international network of educational centres in Europe, the United States, Mexico and South America.
Students have access to more than 50 degrees and double degrees where they can develop their talents, integrated into nine faculties and schools: Communication, Law and Business, Health, Polytechnic, Education and Psychology, Experimental Sciences, Medicine, Postgraduate and International Postgraduate School.
It has some of the most pioneering facilities and we host different training, innovation and service centres and institutions such as the University Centre for Advanced Clinical Simulation, the Surgical Simulation Centre, the Comprehensive Family Care Centre, Higher Level Vocational Training, the Institute for Comprehensive Management Development, the Le Cordon Bleu Madrid haute cuisine school, the UFV Sports Centre and the Francisco de Vitoria Residence Hall.